Spending an hour on the elliptical trainer, bicycle, or treadmill while watching a series can be great. But in fact, you can get more results in much less time, thanks to the benefits of HIIT.
HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a workout with short intervals of high intensity exercise interspersed with recovery periods. (While in traditional training, you do it all at once and rest only at the end.)
Benefits of HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training
“The structure of HIIT training helps to produce hormones that are often only released in this type of modality”, explains Marcio Gaekfe, specialist in training prescription for pathologies such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and osteoarthritis.
The execution of high intensity exercises, reaching the limit of effort, leads to the release of hormones such as somatotrophin, adrenaline and norepinephrine, glucagon and insulin, endorphins, laptin and serotonin. “With this, it helps to improve physical conditioning, reduces body fat, controls blood pressure and diabetes and improves mood,” says Luan Rodrigues, physical education educator at Smart Fit.
+ Benefits of HIIT
See what some research has already proven about the benefits of HIIT training!
1. Burn extra calories
The HIIT burning 25 to 30% more calories than resistance training, racing or spinning, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
2. Acceleration of metabolism
In a traditional cardio workout, you need to maintain a medium intensity in order to get to the end. In HIIT, by reaching the maximum intensity at each interval, you use more oxygen, making the body work faster. And this continues to happen even after the end of training, according to a study by the University of Carolina (USA), another benefit of HIIT.
3. More calories in less time
The maximum recommendation for a HIIT workout is 25 minutes, making you burn more calories in less time. This causes the body to burn reserved fat for energy, not carbohydrates, according to a study published in the Sports Medicine Open.
4. Strengthened heart
Due to the intensity of the training, the heart works harder to pump blood and, being composed of muscles, it is as if you are training it too, making it stronger after each session, according to a study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. At the same time, regular training also lowers blood pressure, according to another study.
5. Regulated blood sugar level
A review of 50 studies on the subject showed that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) improves insulin resistance more than traditional workouts.
Who can enjoy the benefits of HIIT?
Anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of HIIT can try this training, just adapt the variables. “Today, we have research with post-infarction, elderly and diabetic people who have excellent results”, points out Luan. If you are a beginner, you can start with a shorter interval of intense exercise and a longer interval of rest, for example.
If the goal is to increase muscles, HIIT is also a good choice, since accelerated metabolism and increased resistance are directly linked to a faster result in muscle building.
Training to start enjoying the benefits of HIIT
Below, Luan goes through a training session to get started, if you want to try the sport and enjoy the benefits of HIIT. He indicates to do the series below 3 times in a row, respecting 40 seconds of execution of each exercise with 20 seconds of pause between them and one minute of pause at the end of each series. For better performance, you can also take HGH Humatrope 72iu online. You can adapt these periods active or stopped, according to your conditioning.
1. Squat with jump.
How to do it: Do the squat normally, but instead of getting up to return to the starting position, take a jump and “land” again in the squat position. Your knees should not extend beyond the tips of your feet.
2. Flexion of arm.
How to do it: Lie on your stomach, resting your hands on the ground, on the side of the shoulder line. Contract your abdomen and place your toes on the floor. Extend your elbows, lifting your body with your feet flat on the floor, leaving your spine straight and aligned with your torso. The whole body must move together, as one piece. Flex your elbows and return the chest almost touching the floor, still with your torso straight and your feet resting on the ground. Pause below and repeat the previous movement.
3. Climber
How to do it: Stand in the high plank position, with your arms straight. Then, bring your knee up to your chest one at a time, as if you were running in place.
4. Overhead squat
How to do it: Do the same movement as the regular squat , but holding a weight bar above your head, with your arms straight. Avoid injuries: during the movement, the knees must not extend beyond the balls of the feet. If you are going to use weight, ask for the help of a professional to supervise the exercise.
5. High skipping
How to do it: Run in place, but bring your knees to a high level with each stride, trying to form a 90-degree angle.
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